- 3rd International Hands-on Workshop ENDOSCOPIC TRANSORBITAL SKULL BASE SURGERY (11/11/2022)
- ARTÍCULO ABC – La experiencia, un gran activo laboral (10/11/2022)
- El Clínic, primer hospital de España en realizar cirugías a través del ojo para extraer tumores de la base del cráneo (31/08/2022)
- DIARIA MÉDICO – Cirugía neuroendoscópica transorbital: ¿el futuro para tumores de la base del cráneo? (31/08/2022)
- DIARIO MÉDICO -Cirugía neuroendoscópica TransorbRital: ¿el futuro para tumores de la base del cráneo? (08/08/2022)
- Tratamiento con láser (15/03/2023)
- Sitemap (01/12/2022)
- Patologías y tumores (04/11/2022)
- Malformaciones arteriovenosas y cavernomas (09/11/2022)
- Aneurismas cerebrales (05/11/2022)
- Neuralgia del trigémino (05/11/2022)
- Enfermedad de chiari (05/11/2022)
- Tumores de la hipófisis (05/11/2022)
- Tumores de la base del cráneo (05/11/2022)
- Tumores cerebrales (05/11/2022)
- Microcirugía guiada por inmunofluorecencia (04/11/2022)
- Abordajes endoscópicos al cerebro y a la base del cráneo (04/11/2022)
- Abordajes a la hipófisis (04/11/2022)
- Actualidad (04/11/2022)
- Artículos académicos neurocirugía (26/10/2022)
- Barnaclínic (17/10/2022)
- Datos y contacto (17/10/2022)
- Cirugía mínimament invasiva (01/09/2022)
- Dr Enseñat neurocirujano (31/08/2022)
- Neurocirujano en Barcelona (08/08/2022)
- Endoscopic superior eyelid transorbital approach: how I do it (26/10/2022)
- Endoscopic endonasal and transorbital routes to the petrous apex: anatomic comparative study of two pathways (26/10/2022)
- The ventral route to intracranial aneurysm: from the origin towards modern transsphenoidal sur- gery. An historical review and current perspective (26/10/2022)
- Zinc alpha-2 glycoprotein is overproduced in Cushing's syndrome (26/10/2022)
- Hemodynamic Response, Coughing and Incidence of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage on Awakening with an Endotracheal Tube or Laryngeal Mask Airway in Place after Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial (26/10/2022)
- Molecular determinants of enhanced response to somatostatin receptor ligands after debulking in large GH-producing adenomas (26/10/2022)
- Endoscopic Transorbital Surgery: Another Leap of Faith? (26/10/2022)
- Edema Resolution and Clinical Assessment in Poor-Grade Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Useful Indica- tors to Predict Delayed Cerebral Infarctions? (26/10/2022)
- Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging for cerebral cavernous malformations: When is it maybe worth it? (26/10/2022)
- Venous tortuosity as a novel biomarker of rupture risk in arteriovenous malformations: ARI score (26/10/2022)
- Combined endoscopic endonasal and transorbital approach to skull base tumors: a systematic lite- rature review (26/10/2022)
- Endoscopic endonasal surgery to treat intrinsic brainstem lesions: correlation between anatomy and surgery (26/10/2022)
- In reply (26/10/2022)
- Cost-Effectiveness of Low-Field Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance in Glioma Surgery (26/10/2022)
- Extradural anterior clinoidectomy through endoscopic transorbital approach: laboratory investiga- tion for surgical perspective (26/10/2022)
- Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique for the Management of Giant Dumbbell Spinal Schwannoma (26/10/2022)
- Endoscopic transorbital surgery levels of difficulty (26/10/2022)
- Anatomic skull base education using advanced neuroimaging techniques (26/10/2022)
- Endogenous cortisol excess confers a unique lipid signature and metabolic network (26/10/2022)
- Double hemispheric Microdialysis study in poor-grade SAH patients (26/10/2022)